
Kuitwa Kwenye Usaili Call For Interview PSRS - PDF Ajira Portal

Kuitwa Kwenye Usaili Call For Interview PSRS – PDF Ajira Portal

Kuitwa Kwenye Usaili Call For Interview PSRS Ajira Portal. The Executive Director of the various District Council would like to inform all job applicants who applied for a job that the interview is expected to be conducted from 26/09/2024 to 30/09/2024 finally to assign job centers to the job applicants who pass the interview. The interviewees who are called to the interview should follow the instructions the following:- Nsimbo District Council Nsimbo PDF Chato District Council Chato PDF Nyang’hwale District Council Nyang’hwale PDF Bagamoyo District Council Bagamoyo PDF Bukombe District Council Bukombe PDF Handeni District Council Handeni PDF Songwe District Council Songwe PDF Il... »

Orodha Ya Wahudumu Wa Afya Ngazi ya Jamii Selected To Join Training Colleges

Orodha Ya Wahudumu Wa Afya Ngazi ya Jamii Selected To Join Training Colleges

Orodha Ya Wahudumu Wa Afya Ngazi ya Jamii Selected To Join Training Colleges. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania through the Ministry of Health and the Office of the President, Regional Administrations and Local Governments (OR – TAMISEMI) is implementing an Integrated Program for Health Care Workers at the Community Level in the country. Through this Program, the Government has put in place a procedure to find qualified Service Providers, to provide training to these service providers so that they can implement Integrated Health, Nutrition and Social Welfare interventions. In implementing this Plan, the Ministry announces that it has started implementing this Plan in tw... »

Ardhi University (ARU) Admission Entry Requirements 2024/2025

Ardhi University (ARU) Admission Entry Requirements 2024/2025

Below is a whole summary of Ardhi University (ARU) Admission Entry Requirement 2024/2025 application guide, fee structure program or courses offered. According to the University Almanac, the new academic year typically begins around the fourth week of November each year. However, depending on the conditions, it may begin a week earlier. It is frequently preceded by one week of orientation for first-year students, which coincides with registration. Applications for admission to various undergraduate degree programmes at Ardhi University (ARU) for the 2024/2025 Admission Cycle are solicited from qualified applicants who have completed form six and hold applicable diplomas. ARU Entry Requiremen... »

Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT) Admission Requirements

Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT) Admission Requirements

Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT) Admission Requirements; Sumait Qualification application OSIM. The University is located in Chukwani on the Zanzibar Islands in the United Republic of Tanzania, approximately 5.5 kilometers from the seaport of Zanzibar Old Stone Town, 2.5 kilometers from Abeid Karume International Airport, and only 150 metres from the Indian Ocean’s West Coast. The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar granted the University 120,000 square metres. It is enchanted by the gorgeous green panorama of trees and the scent of flowering flowers. SUMAIT University is accredited by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU), which accepted it as a private university o... »

TCU Entry Qualifications 2024/2025

TCU Entry Qualifications 2024/2025

The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) Entry Qualifications for the 2024/2025 academic year TCU Qualification or admission requirement represent a significant step forward in integrating higher education with global norms and evolving job market demands. With a focus on diversity and academic success, TCU has implemented a more thorough system that assesses applicants not only on academic performance but also on overall growth. This approach stresses the value of varied skill sets, critical thinking, and innovation in preparing students to contribute effectively in their chosen industries. The new certifications stress the combination of technological skills and multidisciplinary kno... »