
DarTU Online Application 2024/2025 Admission System

DarTU Online Application 2024/2025 Admission System

Welcome to our website In This Article, are you looking for DarTU Online Application 2024/2025 Admission System: Admission to a variety of undergraduate, graduate, certificate, master’s, and postgraduate courses in various fields is available through the Dar es Salaam Technical University (DarTU) through its official website, all useful admission information, application deadline, programmes, duration, fees, direct and equivalent qualification also, DarTU helpdesk are summarized below.

Admission Requirements

Dar es Salaam Technical University (DarTU) is dedicated to provide its students top-notch technical and vocational instruction. The prerequisites for admission at DarTU differ based on the course of study and program. Students with academic potential and a dedication to their chosen field are sought after by the university.

General Undergraduate Admission Requirements

1# Form Four graduates: To be eligible, candidates must have earned at least four passes on the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE).

2# Candidates who have graduated from Form Six must have obtained at least two principal passes in the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE).

3# Holders of relevant diplomas: Applicants must meet the program’s minimal GPA requirements in order to be considered. These qualifications must come from an accredited institution.

4# Particular requirements for the program: Certain programs can have extra requirements related to a particular subject or demand a better grade in that subject.

Postgraduate Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree: As required by the program, applicants must possess a relevant undergraduate degree with a minimum GPA of 2.7 from an accredited university.
  • Professional experience: Relevant job experience may be required for certain programs.
  • Recommendation letters: Professional or academic references can be needed.
  • Research proposal: A research proposal is required for projects that are based on research.

Certificate Programmes

DarTU provides a range of certificate programs that are intended to give students a foundational understanding of certain subjects. Students who want to acquire practical skills for future school or career can benefit greatly from these programs.

Popular Certificate Programmes:

  • Certificate in Accountancy and Business Administration (CABA).
  • Certificate in Records Management  (CRM).
  • Certificate in Law (CL).

Diploma Programmes

A variety of diploma programs are offered by DarTU with the goal of giving students greater knowledge and practical skills in the fields they choose. These courses act as a springboard for further study or straight into the workforce.

Popular Diploma Programmes:

  • Diploma in Busines Administration and Management (DBAM)
  • Diploma in Law (DL)
  • Diploma in intercultural Relations (DIR)
  • Diploma in Journalism (DJo)

Degree Programmes

DarTU provides a wide range of undergraduate degree programs in several academic fields. These courses are designed to give students a thorough education and get them ready for graduate school or professional professions.

Popular Degree Programmes:

  • Bachelor of Theology (BTh)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Diaconia and Social Work (BDS)
  • Bachelor of Accounting with Computing (BAC)
  • Bachelor of Human Resource Management (BHRM)
  • Bachelor of Arts with Education (BAED)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (BMC)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Studies (BALIS)
  • Bachelor of Information Management (BIM)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) – Accounting
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) – Marketing
  • Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Postgraduate Programs

The postgraduate programs at DarTU are intended for people who want to expand their knowledge in their disciplines through advanced coursework and research techniques. Postgraduate diplomas, master’s degrees, and doctorate degrees are among these programs.

Popular Postgraduate Programs:

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • MBA Human Resource Management
  • MBA Banking and Finance
  • MBA Marketing and Entrepreneurship
  • Master of Arts in Information Studies (MAIS)
  • Master of Laws in Alternative Dispute Resolution (LLM-ADR)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)

Master’s Degree Program

DarTU’s master’s degree programs are meant to give students in-depth information and research skills in particular fields of study. Coursework, research, and a thesis are all part of these two-year programs.

Popular Master’s Degree Programmes:

  • Master of Science in Information Technology
  • Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master of Science in Environmental Engineering

How to Apply to DarTU

The DarTU Admission site ( is used to submit applications. Applying to DarTU is a straightforward process. The following are the general steps:

  • Make sure you meet the requirements for the program you have chosen by checking the prerequisites for admission.
  • Gather the necessary documentation, including identity documents, education transcripts, certifications, and any other documentation that may be required.
  • Complete the application: The online way to do this is through the DarTU application portal.
  • Make the application fee payment. There are other options on the DarTU website for you to pay for this.
  • Submission of the application: Verify that the application is fully completed and that all required supporting documentation has been sent in before submitting.
  • Regarding your application, follow up: You can monitor the status of your application through the DarTU application portal.

What Next After Admission

Once admitted to DarTU, new students should follow these steps:

  1. Accept the offer: Officially accept the admission offer through the DarTU portal.
  2. Register for courses: Complete the registration process for your chosen courses.
  3. Pay fees: Ensure all tuition and other fees are paid before the deadline.
  4. Attend orientation: Participate in the orientation program to familiarize yourself with the campus, faculty, and fellow students.
  5. Begin classes: Start attending lectures and engaging in academic activities as per the academic calendar.

When To Apply and Deadline?

DarTU has different application deadlines for each program and intake. There are typically two primary intakes:

  1. September Intake: Normally, applications begin to be accepted in March and end in July.
  2. March Intake: Applications typically close in January after opening in November.

Every academic year, the DarTU website announces specific dates and deadlines. To prevent any last-minute problems, it is crucial to verify these dates and apply as soon as possible.

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DarTU Online Application System

Future students can apply online for a variety of programs through the user-friendly DarTU Online Application System (OAS). The application process is guided step-by-step by the system, which also makes sure that the necessary documents and information are correctly supplied.

1# Click link to start application: Start Application

2# Click link to re-apply: Start Re-Application

Features of the DarTU Online Application System

  • User registration and login
  • Program search and selection
  • Application form completion
  • Document upload
  • Application fee payment
  • Application tracking

Through the use of the DarTU Online Application System, candidates may easily oversee the entire application process, guaranteeing a seamless and effective experience.

Go to the official DarTU website for additional details about admissions and programs.

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